12 November, 2023 by



.Society of Autism Families Chairman Meets with Austism Parents at Four Seasons Hotel

The Society of Autism Families hosted some parents of autistic strike to listen to the needs of their children with autism during a meeting and open discussion at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Concerning the association and its work, His Highness pointed out: The association needs to evaluate all aspects of its work, and therefore it is subject to an administrative evaluation by a consultant office chosen from among several consultants who were evaluated by the Board of Directors, in order to restructure the association and clarify the real deficiencies as well as assess the work of the branches through a report about to end and that it is taking A number of decisions that he hopes will benefit the work in all its aspects.
In this context, he said, "I am not completely satisfied with the performance of the association, and that the services it provides are traditional and do not keep pace with developments in the various sectors of our country."
He explained that most of the various services, programs, support and registration of members will be done electronically within the platform of the association that we are working to launch at the earliest and stages stages due to the multiplicity of its departments and services, and he indicated that the delay in this matter is due to several factors:
First: Delayed delivery of a number of companies and cancellation of their contracts based on volunteerism, and this is a mistake, as the only victim of this is the beneficiary only.
Second: The timing of the council’s nomination in Ramadan was followed by a long holiday season, and this period of slow actions in some companies was not known about this period
Third: Our great ambition through this platform is to cover many aspects, which cast a shadow over the design stages, which in turn took a long time.
On the other hand, His Highness reviewed the situation of the scholarship in neighboring countries, and that he addressed the same day Saudi representations abroad to determine the numbers there specifically, and the need to find services and alternative solutions for them in their countries by providing economically feasible solutions to the private sector and this will not be affected except by working with the Ministry of Health To cover insurance costs, even for a portion of specific services, a text for autism and to cover the other part of the cost from the Ministry of Labor in order to create a profitable market for any investor in these services, believing that there is no improvement in the level of any service except by highlighting the investment side and creating a market in which business owners participate and Different experiences.
Following His Highness's statement, a discussion was open for everyone who wanted to talk about his own condition and Som heard some parents about some of what they face in daily life from a lack of understanding from some service sectors to put the person with autism disorder, which leads them to bear additional burdens such as what happens with some traffic procedures as well as not to explain the description of autism in The Civil Status System, and he must direct His Highness directly to address them in order to observe this.
At the end of the meeting, Prince Saud again requested that no parent should hesitate to offer a practical solution to any obstacle he or any family in any region of our country might face.
After that, His Highness thanked all the attendees, praying to Allah to bless the efforts of everyone and to give them strength on the steps of everyone for the good of the cause.






